What Is A Carbon Filter and How Does It Work for Grow Room?

What is a Carbon Filter?
Carbon filter is a part of air exhaust system in an isolated space(grow tent, grow room, greenhouse etc.) They contain beds of activated carbon(charcoal) with tons of pores inside.

When air of a grow room or greenhouse is vented through a carbon filter, it traps the smell, dust, spores, pollen and other airborne containments.

As a result, your grow space stays free of bad smell, harmful chemicals, and unhealthy containments.

How to Choose the Right Size of Carbon Filter?
As you try to narrow down the choices, one of the first things that you need to take into consideration is the size of the carbon filter. If it is too small for the grow room, it might be unable to deliver effective performance.

To choose the size appropriate for the grow room, look at the dimensions. Multiply the length and the width of the grow tent, which will give you the calculation of the area. Once the area is computed, multiply it with the height of the grow room. After this, you will have the total volume or cubic feet. The result is the CFM.

What Will A Carbon Filter Do In Your Grow Tent?
A carbon filter removes any odors and/or harmful gases from the air.

In a grow room or tent, that means a carbon filter is designed for odor control and improving overall air quality.

Proper ventilation of quality air is an important part of growing healthy plants and getting maximum yields.

With any of the carbon filters for grow tent(or carbon filter and fan combos), you’ll be able to set up a high-yielding, efficient grow tent and get the best results every time!

How to Set Up the Filter?
Once you get the adequate filter, if you don’t set up everything correctly, you’ll be throwing all your money away. It doesn’t matter how expensive your setup is if there is still going to be an air leak. You have to guarantee that all the air that’s being pulled from your room is going through the carbon filter.

The most practical way to do this is to include the filter as part of your exhaust system. Either place it before or after your fan. The air will either be pulled or pushed through the filter, neutralising all odours as a result. The most efficient solution is to place the filter as the first passage of the air when it's being pulled. The fan should be the last element before the tubing that leads outside. Make sure everything is well-sealed. As we mentioned, it’s the “make or break” of the whole process.

What to consider when choosing the best carbon filter for grow room?
The market has tons of carbon filter options available in the market and it is therefore important that you choose the right one for effective results. The following factors will help you in choosing the best carbon filter for your grow room.

The material of the carbon filter for marijuana is one of the most important factors to consider when you are choosing your product. Majority of the filters have heavy-duty premium galvanized steel which ensures their durability and performance. Premium material is pricier than other materials but do not compromise quality by opting to buy less expensive carbon filters. Maintenance of good quality premium material is also easier compared to other materials.

Majority of the most quality hydroponic carbon filters come readily packaged with pre-filters that you can use outside the carbon filters. The pre-filters play a big role in helping with the elimination of dust and other particles in the grow room. With these out of the way, the carbon filter and inline fan stay clean and work more efficiently. A pre-filter also increases the life span of a carbon filter.

Compactness and portability
Noise is irritating and if you want a carbon filter with no or very little noise, buy one with compact carbon filters. These have less noise and vibration during their operations. Compact carbon filters also have better odor and smell absorbent capabilities. Also make sure you get a carbon filter that is easily portable in case you want to change its position in the grow room.

The thicker the carbon is in the filter, the better the absorption abilities. Filters with more carbon thickness control odor better than those with less thickness do. they are very efficient and as such attract more costs. they are however worth every cent.

The size of your grow room will also determine the size of the carbon filter you want to buy. Carbon filters come in five different sizes, which are 4-inches, 6-inches, 8-inches, 10 inches and 12 inches. For small-scale marijuana farmers, a 4-inch carbon filter will do just fine. Majority of the carbon filters also come with manufacturers’ guarantee ranging from 3 months to 2 years depending on the size and brand.

After reading this, I hope that it is now easier to make the right choice! Odor in the grow room can be a big problem, affecting the quality of the plants in more ways than one. Get rid of the foul smell by using the a high-quality carbon air purifier!


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