How To Get Rid Of Spider Mites On Your Weed Plant?

Spider mites are a common garden pest. They tend to live on the underside of plant leaves, and leave behind translucent eggs and protective silk webs.

Spider mites can be red or black in colour and can usually only be spotted with at least a 10x microscope. They feed off plant sap, stunting the growth of your plants and ultimately affecting their overall health and the size of their yields.

Spider mites are perhaps the most damaging invaders to hit your marijuana plants, and so its extremely important you know how to kill spider mites on your marijuana plants. Considered arachnids rather than insects, spider mites have eight legs and no antennae. They are minutely and extremely hard to see with the naked eye. Spider mites typically make their homes on the underside of leaves and will spin a silky web as a means of protecting their colony and eggs from predators.

How to Identify Spider Mites on a Cannabis Plant?
When spider mites eat, their tiny mouths puncture cell walls in your cannabis plant leaves. They will suck out chlorophyll and other juices. This will cause small white dots to appear on your leaves.

You will see these symptoms before you see bugs. Spider mites are very hard to see with the naked eye. They also reproduce very quickly, which means if you do not act quickly, your grow room will soon be infested.

If your plants have become infested with spider mites, maybe you would have noticed webbing around your plant. This is where these mites get their names. The will produce a web, to weigh down a plant that is dying. The plant will collapse under the weight of the web, and land onto another plant.

Remember, spider mites like hot and dry conditions. So, before you get started on any kind of countermeasure against a colony, try bringing down the temperature in your marijuana grow tent(if possible, bring them down past 20ºC or 68ºF but be careful not to damage your plants).

Next, create some extra air circulation(inline fan) in your grow area. Spider mites hate windy conditions.

You can try hosing the plant(s) off with a gentle showerhead and regular water which can physically flush the mites and webs off of the plants.

Note that this will not kill them and they may scatter. This water shower also will not budge the eggs that are usually pretty firmly attached.

Neem Oil
The simplest way to kill mites is to use Neem Oil mixed with a little dish wash soap. You can get neem oil online or in your local store. All you need to do is follow the instructions; however, be careful not to kill the plants because it’s pretty strong. Start with minimal amounts until you’re sure the plants can handle it.

Never bring in plants from the outside
Other tips for prevention include never bringing in plants from the outside into your cannabis grow tent. This is the most common cause of a spider mite infestation. If you have an external clone or a weed plant from elsewhere, keep it under quarantine for a minimum of two weeks. You can even check it with a handheld microscope.

Should You Change Your Soil After You Get Rid Of Spider Mites?
The dead organic matter contained in the soil is the ideal breeding ground for spider mites.

Therefore it makes sense that if you remove the plant, you should throw away that soil. If the plant is infected then so is the soil.


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