Why Do The Leaves Of The Marijuana Plant Turn Yellow?

While growing cannabis in the garden, there are some problems you are likely to encounter. Your plants may not be getting sufficient nutrients and water among other issues. These can interfere with the quality of the final yield or produce.

Lack of enough water, sunlight, and minerals can make your plants’ leaves to turn yellow. Additionally, lack of constant watch and monitoring during the growing process can make your plant to wither. No grower likes to bear the sight of a withering plant. Thus, you need to ensure that your plant does not lack some of the necessities such as water and light. Even though the issue of yellow cannabis leaves faces many farmers, finding a permanent solution to prevent it can be difficult.

When plants are being propagated as clones, the nutrient reserves in the cutting can be leached out easily with mist or fog. Nutrient reserves could further be depleted if the cutting was taken from an old mother plant, as reserves in stock/mother plants also diminish over time. As such, it is important to supply a dose of essential nutrients to the cuttings to restore the nutrient reserves. Once roots are visible, provide the plants with 50 ppm to 75 ppm of N two to three times per week to help restore the nutrient levels within the cuttings.

Incorrect pH
One of the most common reasons that the leaves on the cannabis plant turn yellow is due to incorrect pH levels, specifically at the roots. This can be the case regardless of your growing media, including hydroponics, coco coir, and soil. If the pH is not within the ideal range, your cannabis plant will find it too hard to absorb nutrients, leading to a nutritional deficiency. This means that the wrong pH can lead to a lack of nutrient absorption even if the nutrients are right there.

Overwatering is a prevalent error, especially among novice cultivators. The desire to continually meet every need of a plant can lead to overdoing things. Care turns into smothering, and growers often end up unwillingly drowning their plants.

Overwatering saturates the soil, leading to a reduction of oxygen, which can starve the roots. Eventually, they die and begin to rot away. Plants use their roots to uptake nutrients from the soil. As their roots die off, plants have access to much fewer nutrients, which can lead to deficiencies. Yellow leaves are a common occurrence when plants aren't getting the minerals and elements they need to thrive.

Nutrient Deficiencies
If the yellowing occurs primarily at the base of the plant, the issue is likely a nutrient deficiency. The most common nutrient deficiency in cannabis is nitrogen, though note that excessive nitrogen can also cause yellowing (plus curled, claw-like leaves). If the problem is caused by a deficiency, slowly increase the concentration of your cannabis-specific fertilizer until new growth appears. If the yellowing is caused by excessive nutrients, flush the root system with pure water then add a half-dose of your fertilizer instead. Magnesium deficiency, characterized by a yellowing around the leave’s green veins, is most commonly caused by an improper pH balance. Use magnesium supplements to correct this issue.

Not Enough Light
During photosynthesis, leaves take in light and carbon dioxide (CO2) and convert it into plant energy. Without enough light, leaves will begin to yellow and eventually slow growth to a standstill. Common incandescent house bulbs are severely insufficient, and fluorescent lights must be kept quite close to plants to be remotely effective.

The Fix: Increase the amount of light the plant is getting. This could mean lowering an existing cannabis grow light to the proper level above your plants’ canopy or investing in a stronger lighting unit. I highly recommend using HID (High Intensity Discharge) lighting, such as MH (Metal Halide) or HPS grow lights for growing pot plants indoors. Full spectrum LED grow lights and Fluorescent grow lights are a decent, if not perfect, alternative if heat or power usage is an issue.


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